Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Medium

For the longest time I have been what I would call, “A little bit of everything” kind of artist. I tried paper art, acrylic paint, watercolor, oil pastels, photography, and on and on. I was trying to copy, not find out who I am as an artist.  I recently read that to find your niche in art, do what comes easy to you, and what you enjoy.
I love the crisp black lines of ink. I love how controlled and defined they are. I also LOVE watercolor. I love to watch watercolor paint. I love how fluid and colorful it is. I love how alive and uncontrollable watercolor is. I look at the two like my husband and I. Hey, we are a great couple, why not combine my two favorite mediums and see how it comes out.
For the first time as an artist, I have enjoyed my creations. I have always enjoyed being creative no matter how I felt about the end result. In fact I normally did not like my end result. I normally would just give my art away to who ever had interest in it. I did not want to look at it; all I could see were the flaws. I do not think my art is perfect. Who knows, maybe I am maturing, but I can see the beauty in what I create now despite the imperfections.
This is Alina when she was 2 years old

This one is old, but I still love it.
I am a kid at heart
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Mimi said...

Ahhhhh!!! I love them!! The mouse is especially adorable.

Unknown said...

The mouse is really cool!

Recording Megow Adventures said...

LOVE that one of Lina Pina!!

Jeanine said...

Oooh-kewl. You should experiment with different kinds of paper.